Through our curriculum, The Early Years Learning Framework, we have a focus of Belonging, which is integral to a child’s sense of self. It acknowledges belonging to a family, community and culture. It is the foundation of relationships and acceptance. Along with Belonging we have Being. Being is allowing the children to be in the present — to concentrate on the here and now. It’s allowing them time to investigate, attach to people, environments and experiences. They are able to meet challenges with confidence that they have the time and support to work through and overcome any obstacles in their own time. Being sees the Educators develop and support an environment that is child focused, not for the convenience of routine or the Educators. Lastly, we have Becoming.
Becoming acknowledges change and there is no time in one’s life that has more rapid change than in the years of early childhood. Becoming recognises the skills that are necessary to thrive through
change and how experiences and circumstances create skills, expectations, understandings and relationships. It allows flexibility for a child to learn and grow. On this foundation we observe each child for outcomes that we can support in the program. The 5 outcomes are:
• Children have a strong sense of identity
• Children are connected with and contribute to their world
• Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
• Children are confident and involved learners
• Children are effective communicators.
Each day your child is observed with relevant information documented. Along with the goals that are developed for each individual child, the observation is reflected on and followed up with extended experiences to support the child in expanding their knowledge, concepts and skills related to their interest. Families are given the opportunity to also reflect on the observations and add their input which Educators will then incorporate into the program.
We know that children learn effectively through play and this is supported by Educators who are diligent in their responsiveness to each child. Applying strong intentional teaching practices will provide the children with an authentic and meaningful learning environment which challenges, supports and nurtures a child’s development.